On my
last post about my trip to the hospital I left off with Friday night and waiting to hear from the doctors. I'll continue with that..
The doctor came in and told me I would not be leaving because I had 351mg of protein in my urine and the cutoff is 300mg. =( I was sad. I officially have preeclampsia, for those of you that don't know what it is, it is the most common "symptom" pregnant women can get. It's when you have high blood pressure, protein in your urine, headaches, etc etc. It can turn into something really serious if they don't catch it early on & help you control it.
I was sad I couldn't leave, but so thankful they caught this early on & it's not anything that's more serious.
On Saturday morning I had an ultrasound to check her growth and make sure she was good to be delivered if it came down to that. She is SO cute! Okay..maybe I'm a little bias, but look at those lips!! Her mouth was open & we watched her practice breathing! So neat! They estimated her at 7lbs 6oz already at 35 weeks! Good thing I am
not going to 40 weeks, holy 9lb baby!
The doctor also decided on Saturday they wouldn't stop my contractions anymore (thank god because I hated the terb shot.) I kept having contractions all day/night. Around 10pm the nurse hooked me & Rylee up to the monitors and she saw I was having contractions so she decided to check me. I was 1cm dilated. She called the doctor and she told her to keep an eye on me and if I was dilated to 3-4cm to send me off to labor & delivery.
From about 11pm-4am Saturday my contractions were pretty strong. To the point where I couldn't get up to walk and just wanted to curl up in a ball. I'm sure that was nothing compared to what they will be when I'm in actual labor, but it wasn't comfortable. Unfortunately, I never got to 3-4cm.
Sunday morning the doctor came in to check me and I was still 1cm, but now 50% effaced. She gave me a choice to stay at the hospital, or go home. Of course I picked the go home option. My blood pressure was still 147/90 which is high for me, but they also said they weren't sure if it was because I was having contractions or from the preeclampsia. They gave me strict bed rest orders & I was free to go home around 2pm!
I can only get up to pee & shower and as long as I can keep my blood pressure down at home I can stay. If not I have to go back in to the hospital. They decided to induce me at 37 weeks, which is less than 2 weeks! Talk about a wake up call. I hope I can go into labor on my own before that because I do not want to be induced.
When I got home I realized there is so much crap I want to do! I need to recheck Rylees bag and make sure I have everything since I packed it a while ago. I need to pack our bags. I need to get batteries for her swing and bouncer. I need to clean. Luckily, Jeremy started cleaning yesterday and he's been good about it! I have an amazing husband. He knows I can't do anything so he's doing it all plus working his 50 hour week while I sit on my butt all day..lol.
I go back to to the doctors tomorrow and they will set my induction date...AAAH!!