I love her sweet baby giggles : )
Last night was rough...again.
She slept unswaddled from 8:30pm-3am.
I woke up & nursed her.
Then she decided to not want to go back to sleep.
Luckily, Jeremy woke up with her and tried putting her back to sleep.
She slept unswaddled from 3:30am-6am.
I gave up & swaddled her up and she slept until 9:45am!
I tried putting her down for a nap just a minute ago & she just screamed.
I swaddled her & off to dream land she went...
I'm nervous about still swaddling her since she rolls over on her stomach so much..
I guess I will continue to swaddle her until she hates it.
Just so I can maintain my sanity.
She is 5 months & 2 days today.
I'm starting her first baby food tomorrow.
I think.
I was going to wait until exactly 6 months
but she stares at our plates ALL the time.
I will only give her a little food at night time for now.
LOVE the video... and the sweet pictures! yaya for doing baby food. Elli had her 4 month appt. two days ago and doc said we can start in the next couple weeks... he's all about starting stuff early!