Rylee has her first cold. =( This makes me one.sad.mama. It all started Friday evening & by Saturday I thought it was getting better then Sunday she started coughing & wheezing. :( It was really bad Sunday night so we went to the doctors yesterday. Her little throat was red so they tested for strep, but luckily it was negative! The doc didn't give her any medicine and he said he wouldn't unless it gets worse. He's the type that doesn't like to shove medicine down your throat with every ache/pain. I'm happy about that, but I wish there was something that I could do for her. I've tried giving her apple juice and she refuses. my poor baby.
He thinks she caught it from our play date on Wednesday...
Hope little miss feels better soon! :( My must-do's when the babies have colds are baby vicks on their chests and putting a pillow under their mattress so they're propped up.