I have been contemplating for a while now on what swim lessons to get for Rylee.
Your traditional swim lessons or ISR lessons?
I started researching long & hard, asked a bunch of people that had done ISR before what their experience was like.
ISR won me over.
A brief background:
Thousands of Infant Swimming Resource (ISR) lessons are
taught every day worldwide as part of our commitment to prevent
pediatric drowning. The commitment we made to parents over 45 years ago,
to reach the next child before he or she reaches the water alone, is
honored daily to achieve our mission that Not One More Child Drowns.
Founded by Harvey Barnett, Ph.D., in 1966, ISR endeavored
to put an end to a preventable tragedy…childhood drowning. Barnett
witnessed the aftermath of this tragedy after a neighbor’s 9-month-old
son reached the water alone. From that point on, Barnett vowed to do
everything possible to ensure that Not One More Child Drowns. A
behavioral scientist by trade, Barnett adapted his theoretical
knowledge of learning to pioneer the ISR Self-Rescue™ method used today
to teach infants and young children to save themselves should they reach
the water alone. What began as one man’s mission has transformed into a
worldwide organization. To date, ISR has 790 documented cases of children using ISR’s survival swimming techniques to save themselves from drowning.
Now do you see why ISR won me over?
ISR= Infant Survival Rescue
I want Rylee to be able to save herself if (god forbid) she fell in the pool or decided to jump in. With her having these lessons I'm starting to feel completely comfortable. This is only her 2nd week, but she's doing so well! The instructor has made comments on how well she does when she's floating & how she holds her breath when she should under water. It's amazing! I wish I would have had these lessons when I was a toddler.
It's a 6 week course for beginners & every year you should sign up for a refresher course, that length depends on how much your child has retained from the previous lessons. It's only a 10 minute class, which is AWESOME!
These instructors have over 60 hours of in water training plus a crap load of additional training/testing that are nationally certified.
Go here to find an instructor near you and read more about it.
Here is a short video of her lessons so far, I'll definitely post an update video when we're done!
ISR= Infant Survival Rescue
I want Rylee to be able to save herself if (god forbid) she fell in the pool or decided to jump in. With her having these lessons I'm starting to feel completely comfortable. This is only her 2nd week, but she's doing so well! The instructor has made comments on how well she does when she's floating & how she holds her breath when she should under water. It's amazing! I wish I would have had these lessons when I was a toddler.
It's a 6 week course for beginners & every year you should sign up for a refresher course, that length depends on how much your child has retained from the previous lessons. It's only a 10 minute class, which is AWESOME!
These instructors have over 60 hours of in water training plus a crap load of additional training/testing that are nationally certified.
Go here to find an instructor near you and read more about it.
Here is a short video of her lessons so far, I'll definitely post an update video when we're done!
My sister did this with one of my nephews and I know it gave her a lot of piece of mind. He can make his way over to the side of the pool in case he ever fell in.