In just 2 months, I will have a 2 year old!
I don't even know how this past year has flew by so fast.
Words you say:
All gone/done sounds like "All ga" or "all da"
bye bye
Diesel you say "dd" (although you did say 'Diesel' clear as ever one day & you won't say it again)
please sounds like "pease"
dog well you say 'dog dog'
Those are all the words that we can fully understand you say. You always try to mimic us, but not always successful. ;)
Your new obsession?
You must take your baby everywhere with you & if I forget it, it's a night mare. You have about 5 babies that you love, but the one with the arm ripped off (because you ripped it off) is your favorite. Actually, you ripped off her eyelashes today! I hope this isn't a sign for the new baby!
Those are all the words that we can fully understand you say. You always try to mimic us, but not always successful. ;)
Your new obsession?
You must take your baby everywhere with you & if I forget it, it's a night mare. You have about 5 babies that you love, but the one with the arm ripped off (because you ripped it off) is your favorite. Actually, you ripped off her eyelashes today! I hope this isn't a sign for the new baby!
You love the ipad, mac & iphone. You know how to unlock the phones, open the computer & start typing. You're a smart little cookie.
You are a full out drama queen. You have at least one meltdown a day. If you don't get your way? You scream.
This was also your first time trying Nutella. You're such a weird kid & didn't like it. In fact, you don't like peanut butter or much chocolate.

Daddy has taught you to say "baby" every time you poo. When I ask "where's the baby?" you point to your butt! I told him he shouldn't have taught you that & he just laughs. It is pretty hilarious, but weird when I have to explain why you're pointing to your butt when I say "baby."
You're growing up so fast & I can't believe it. I'm loving this age, but there are definitely days you test my patience....then you look up at me and say "mama" and I forget everything.
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