Am I really 8 months?!
32 weeks?
Holy crap.
I can't believe in 8 weeks, give or take, she will be here & I will officially be a mama of 2! I hope I can handle this & the adjustment period goes smoothly.
The insomnia is totally kicking my rear end. It's unbelievable how exhausted I am and yet, I can only sleep for 4 hours..then I'm wide awake. The other morning it was 4am and the morning after that it was 2am. What is wrong with me?!
(Edit: the above was written a few days ago and since then my sleep has gotten much better! I did resort to taking unisom 2 nights and I slept like a champ, but I don't want to get in the habit. I've still been sleeping well without taking it so let's hope that continues.)
(Edit: the above was written a few days ago and since then my sleep has gotten much better! I did resort to taking unisom 2 nights and I slept like a champ, but I don't want to get in the habit. I've still been sleeping well without taking it so let's hope that continues.)
Yay! We are almost there. The insomnia hasn't affected me except for a couple of nights, thank goodness! Hope it stays that way for both of us. You're looking great!