1. When you were 17, tell us what kind of car you drove, where you worked, and what you were usually up to on the weekends.
I had a 2004 Chevrolet Cavalier, sunburnt orange, to be exact.
I stole this pic- this wasn't my car, but it looked identical to this except i had tinted windows.
I worked at ABC Pizza- where all of the cool high school kids worked. ;) It's a local restaurant.
On the weekends, I normally partied, drank & worked. Never slept.
2. Show us a picture of you when you were 17 {roughly}.
3. When you were 17, tell us what you wanted to be when you "grew up."
I've always wanted to be a nurse.
When I was 17, I was currently in a long term relationship. We dated for 5 years. From 2001-2006. He graduated the summer I was entering 9th grade. :x We lived together from 2005-2006. I thought I would marry him, have his kids & all that jazz, but things worked out differently & I'm SO incredibly glad they did. Once we split, I was a complete disaster & we tried working things out, but it just didn't work.
5. When you were 17, tell us where you pictured your life 10 years from then. Did it turn out the way you expected it to?
I pictured to have kids & be done having kids, be married (although not to the guy I'm married to now) and be a nurse.
Now? I am married- going on 3 years. I have an amazing 2 year old & another little baby on the way. I'm still working on becoming a nurse, but I will get there! 4 more semesters to go!
wow, 5 years, thats a long time!! Isn't it crazy how things work out better than we expect or hope? Congratulations on the pregnancy, I hope everything goes great! Stopped by from the link up!
Check out my post too!
Love this D! I miss your orange cavy!